Puppy Playtime

Posted by Elena on Friday, May 20, 2011 Under: Behavior

Puppy Playtime

It rained all day yesterday and it poured today. According to the weather channel there is 80% chance of rain tomorrow and for foreseeable future. So when raining cats and dogs suddenly turned into a pleasant drizzle Ari got himself a trip to a dog park. I was surprised that not all local dogs were there, letting off their steam. Besides Ari there were only 2 other dogs: a 2 year old Golden Retriever and a puppy Bulldog. Despite the size difference, the Golden Retriever and the Bulldog were having a time of their lives playing with each other, rolling in the wet mulch and dirt. Ari was completely disinterested in this type of "down and dirty" play and was walking around sniffing the ground and looking bored. Then a Husky puppy came in, and all of a sudden Ari had a play buddy. Huskies play very similar to Rhodesians: they leap, chase, get up on their hind legs and body-slam. I guess some dog breeds play better with each other. Ari, when he has a choice, smartly prefers slightly smaller dogs that play like he does. Too bad I didn't have a camera with me.

I did take a picture of Ari trying to make his friend, 11 year old chocolate lab Java, play with him. However, much to his disappointment, Java was more interested in perfecting his relaxation skills.

In : Behavior 

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